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It’s not good enough to be “fine”

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

Challenging gender bias in play-based education

“Parents of boys see our type of education and recognise it as a perfect fit, while parents of girls too often feel it's nice, but their child doesn't 'need' it”

Tom Hobson | Educator and Author

For the past several years, our school’s enrollment has been about 60–65 percent boys. A parent recently asked me about that, wondering if that had to do with me being a male teacher. It does not. For the first decade or so of my tenure at Woodland Park, our enrollment was more like 60–65 percent girls. The main difference between then and now: a larger playground. Indeed, parents even told me that it had been the small playground at our old place that made them reluctant to enroll their sons.

No one said that about their girls. In fact, when we re-imagined that small playground into a sort of mini-adventure playground, the mother of one girl, complaining about the mess and weather, said, “You know, the indoor curriculum was pretty good all by itself.”

There’s a sad “secret” that those of us who work in “alternative” or progressive schools don’t often talk about. While waiting lists often fill up with boy applicants, there are always spots available for girls. This doesn’t happen at our school because we enroll on a first-come-first-serve basis with no attempt to balance for gender, hence the imbalance, but most schools do try and they all struggle with it. You see, many parents of boys see our type of play-based, full-body, outdoor-focused education and recognize it as a perfect fit, while parents of girls too often feel it’s nice, but their child doesn’t “need” it. As the admissions director at a local progressive elementary school once told me: “It’s a prejudice. Girls need this sort of education as much as boys, it’s just that they’re more likely look like they’re sitting down and doing the work, so everyone thinks they’re just fine wherever they are.”

I’ve heard it myself from parents looking beyond preschool, saying exactly that, opining “She’ll be fine,” about their girls while saying, “My boy needs more time.” I’m here to tell you that all children need more time if the next step is going to be sitting at desks, absorbing direct instruction, filling out worksheets, and taking tests. That’s not good for anyone, let alone young children. The evidence is quite clear that the best educational foundation for children under seven, girls and boys, is play.

Perhaps it is true that boys tend to require a bit more opportunity to move their bodies, but the same holds true for many girls as well. All girls still need and deserve the same freedom to play, to explore, and to ask and answer their own questions. It’s not good enough to be “fine.”

Written by Tom Hobson — June 3rd, 2019


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